EIN Reference Number (errors) and what they mean

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  • EIN Reference Number 101 (name conflict/duplicate): It is the most common error message that people will face while registering for EIN online. This issue arises because IRS must have found a business with a similar name that of yours. This could be resolved when the IRS could manually review the issue. Solution: File Form SS-4 by mail or by fax as the IRS will need to manually review your EIN application.
  • EIN Reference Number 102 (SSN/ITIN error): The 102 error arises when there is a mismatch in the SSN or ITIN with the Responsible Party’s name Solution: Try reapplying the online application for EIN and make sure that the entered details are correct.
  • EIN Reference Number 103 (existing EIN error): This error arises when there is an EIN number and company name mismatch. That means you’ve entered an existing company as the EIN Responsible Party and their records do not match. Solution: Try reapplying the online application for EIN and make sure that the entered details are correct.
  • EIN Reference Number 104 (Third Party Designee conflict): Reference 104 happens when a third party company(usually companies that assists in obtaining EIN) provides conflicting contact information, that is the IRS does not allow a Third Party Designee to have the same contact information as the LLC, specifically an address (either physical or mailing) and a phone number. Solution: Try reapplying the online application for EIN and make sure the Third Party Designee’s contact information is their own and is not the same as the LLC’s.
  • EIN Reference Number 105 (too many attempts): Reference number 105 means that you’ve made way too many attempts online to get the EIN (using the same SSN, ITIN, or EIN), each leading to an error reference/code. Solution: Wait for a day (24 hours) and try the EIN Online Application again. If you still receive an error message, then try filing Form SS-4 by mail or fax.
  • EIN Reference Number 106 (single-member LLC with no EIN): Reference Number 106 means that your Single-Member LLC (which has employees) does not have a Sole Proprietorship EIN yet. Solution: The best option to resolve this issue would be contacting the IRS.
  • EIN Reference Number 107 (single-member LLC with too many EINs): Reference 107 arises when your Single-Member LLC (which has employees) has more than one Sole Proprietorship EIN. Solution: It is best to resolve this issue by contacting the IRS.
  • EIN Reference Number 109 (technical): Reference 109 is an error that occurs because there are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. Solution: Applying after waiting a day (24 hours) is one of the recommended solutions for this error but If you still get the error message, you should contact the IRS or apply for an EIN using Form SS-4.
  • EIN Reference Number 110 (technical): Reference 110 also occurs when there are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. It doesn’t mean that you can’t get an EIN online though (like other reference numbers). Solution: Applying after waiting a day (24 hours) is one of the recommended solutions for this error but If you still get the error message, you should contact the IRS or apply for an EIN using Form SS-4.
  • EIN Reference Number 112 (technical): Reference 112 is also another technical issue which means that there are technical issues with the EIN Online Application. There are a number of reasons this message can appear, but a common one is that their systems have a large number of users and it is suggested to try at another time. Solution: Applying after waiting a day (24 hours) is one of the recommended solutions for this error but If you still get the error message, you should contact the IRS or apply for an EIN using Form SS-4.
  • EIN Reference Number 113 (technical): Reference 113 pops up the EIN online services have a technical issue. Solution: Try the Online Application again or wait 24 hours. If you still get the error message, you should contact the IRS or apply using Form SS-4.
  • EIN Reference Number 114 (max EINs per day): Reference number 114 means that the Responsible Party has already been granted an EIN for the day. An IRS Responsible Party can only be assigned one EIN per day. Solution: Wait 24 hours and then apply again online.
  • EIN Reference Number 115 (Date of Death shows for Responsible Party): Reference number 115 is displayed when the system runs a date of death inquiry on the Responsible Party and it comes back stating that party as deceased. Solution: Contact the IRS if the Responsible Party is not deceased. They may require further documentation to prove this, or they may request filing Form SS-4 by mail or fax instead.

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