Form Numbers US Personal Tax Return and ITIN
- Form 1040: For US Citizens and US residents [Foreign person with 183 days residency in the USA]
- Form 1040X – For US Citizens and US residents [Foreign person with 183 days residency in the USA] who want to correct the tax return that was filed with number errors or missed forms, they are filing an amended tax return to change their filing status from Single to Married Filing Jointly to file an ITIN.
- Form 1040NR: For Foreign persons with USA income [i.e. K-1 income, 1042S, FIRPTA claim, US Rental Income, tax treaty, and IRS federal tax withholding refund claims]
- Form W7: For ITIN Application for 1040NR filing or 1040 filer with foreign spouse married to US Citizens
- Form 1116: For Foreign Tax Credit Reporting.
- Form 2555: For Foreign Earned Exclusion Claim, US Citizens Reside Outside of the USA.
Our team specializes in international expatriate U.S. personal tax return services. If you need assistance with ITIN Renewal/US 1040 filing for refund claim/FATCA Compliance work/FBAR FINCEN114 Filing, ITIN/ Form W7 Application/E.I.N./Form W8BENE or Certified Acceptance Agents [C.A.A.] services/1040NR U.S. tax filing for refund claim of excess 1042S/8288A/8805/W2/1099 We are happy to assist our clients in a timely, efficient, and cost-effective way.